Research Topics
I. Secondary batteries
I-I. Metal-Gas batteries

Our interest is developing novel materials and processes to utilize the Metal-Gas (Li (Na)-O2 (CO2)) batteries.
1. Development of novel passivation method for carbon materials
2. Development of molten salt electrolytes
I-II. Seawater battery
We aim to develop a reliable anode-free seawater battery.

1. Deterministic growth of Na metal on pre-patterned current collectors
2. Mitigation of Na dendrite
I-III. Li-ion battery
We develop the crystalline organic anode materials

1. Utilization of contorted hexabenzocoronene molecules
2. Development of organic donor-acceptor cocrystal anodes
II. Low dimensional materials

By combining low dimensional, organic semiconductor, and insulator materials, we develop high-performance hybrid devices.
1. Fabrication of heterostructure devices
2. Controlled growth of low dimensional materials
III. Flexible electronics

We design and develop the functional polymer and small molecules for flexible memory and photovoltaic.

1. Self-assembly of functional small molecules
2. Development of flexible ferro(piezo-)electric devices